Featured blogshop of the week, My Dressing Report!
They've just launched their latest collection afew hours ago!
Love the chanel inspired blazer the most,
wear a normal spag top, top up with this blazer
and you're ready to goooooo~

...you'll find anything from casual tops to officewear!
MyDressingReport sent me afew dresses as well,
like this one, def one of my favourite dress of all!

The other dress is actually the white dress
i wore in the shunji matsuo event!

Many gorgeous pieces all tops/dress are under $20 !
Check out the sales page right here:
Quote the you're "theluckiestchick" reader
and get free postage with any purchase!

Medicineeeeeee. High fever + throat infection.
yek, i requested from the doctor for the lozenges
that's not the minty-powdery type then
he gave me the tussils 5 lozenges my throat is so much better now!
The minty powdery ones are GROSS to the max.

Mad expensive! midnight consultation fee is already $80plus!
I was in a really bad mood last night
after i came back from the doctor's,
Why cannot take mc if you're really sick?
Just bcos i took 2 mc this month,
unfortunately for me that i got ill right.
not like i'm faking or anything right.
If i'm faking, you think i'm so crazy to go see doc in the middle of the night!
So expensive it's not like i have too much $$$ to spend.
and not as if i can claim!
then what for the company give 14 days of sick leave
I'm sorry but i'm not so garang until i will force myself
to go to work while having high fever please!
Rest in bed the entire day today,
re-watched Boys Over Flower drama on my portable dvd player!
Lay in bed, eat porridge/medicine, watch kdrama!
Have just recently completed another kdrama, You're Beautiful
Was very busy on wed/thur when i was having my off day!
I was suppose to do a Cleo shoot featuring ettusais on thursday,
Milly's sponsered my manicure for the shoot!
Went to the Milly's bugis branch,
love to come here lately for my mani/pedi
cos it's so much quieter and less crowded!
(Milly's bugis branch is located at the
new extension building @ bugis st, level 2)

Like the far east branch, Milly's provides
Nails/Eyelash extension/Hair Extension services @ Bugis too!

My nanny from Ettusais, Sherry was doing her nails too!
poor girl have been so busy @ work
she didnt even have time to do her nails!

Applying nail hardener 1st cos my nails are so brittle!
Gina did my nails and i think she did such a great job!

The end product! Maybe the photo doesnt show it well
but there's actually lots of shimmer & glitter in the nail polish!
All using Ettusais nail colours rather than the colours from
Milly's since the cleo shoot is featuring Ettusais tropical nail colours!
Shall not say so much now but i'm lovin the new stuff! :D

Think it looks like lollipop! heh, just realized the colour scheme
is exactly like the lollipop on the extreme left!
Finally receive my Nuffnang chequeeeeeee. Yaaaaaay.
half of my cheque went to my new Skagen watch! $300!
Somemore earn can Tangs points with my Tangs card.
Major looooooves.

Have been thinking of getting another skagen watch for awhile!
Love their designs, it's so sleek and just very classy.
Easy to match with any outfit!

Rose gold strap, mother of pearl face, rimmed with swavoski crystal!
The other half of my nuffnang cheque will go towards my diving course fees! (:
The next morning, went to Clover, Far east plaza #03-12
to look for Raymond sponsered my hair styling for the shoot!
Btw if you wanna have a haircut/chemical treatment like hair dye/perm
just let them know you're fidelis's friend and you'll get 10% off your bill! (:

Went to Milly's at far east to help me apply a layer of top coat!

Had lunch and head over to Ettusais Office with Sherry
so i could get my makeup done for the Cleo shoot!
Makeup took 1hour plus. and it was raining and stuff..
and i almost fell asleep many times thru the makeup process :x

With Shiya my makeup artist for the day (She's like super super cute!)
and Sherry my Ettusais nanny!

I was suppose to look very sad and pouty for one of the shots.
hahaha Sherry was like telling me.. think.. your boss disallowing you
to take lave for the next 6 months! Wahh, mad torture!

The awesome photographer and the nice people from Cleo!
Boyfriend picked me up from the studio and we went to Liang Court
cos i wanna get some magazine,
i thought Vivi should be out by now but i couldn't find it!
So i got japan version Seventeen + Nu Ren Wo Zu Da magazine.

Oh yes! bought these super adorable rilakuma tissue!
Also got some tidbits from Meidi-ya supermarket,
we love to shop for tidbits there!
boyf and i had crepes the 1st time in my entire life!
Banana and caramel flavored ... i absolutely am lovin it!

Love this ume calbee snack! and grape flavoured collagen drink.

Japanese snacks packaging is always so cute!
the barcode as Mr. Giraffe's blankie! Cute max!
Sayonara, loves!
I had high fever last night! Fever started at 8plus
but i took 2 panadols and thought it'll go away,
but at midnight my temperature shot up to 39degrees!
I was in long sleeve PJs and all, plus a thick sweater
and i was shivering!
One moment i was shivering, the other moment i was sweating buckets.
So mummy brought me to the 24hour clinic @ 12am to see doctor..
luckily there's no queue.
Omg high fever already then they make me wear the
bloody face mask + the doctor still off the aircon in his treatment room.
SIAO, i wanted to die lor, i was like cold but yet i'm perspiring.
but i took 2 panadols and thought it'll go away,
but at midnight my temperature shot up to 39degrees!
I was in long sleeve PJs and all, plus a thick sweater
and i was shivering!
One moment i was shivering, the other moment i was sweating buckets.
So mummy brought me to the 24hour clinic @ 12am to see doctor..
luckily there's no queue.
Omg high fever already then they make me wear the
bloody face mask + the doctor still off the aircon in his treatment room.
SIAO, i wanted to die lor, i was like cold but yet i'm perspiring.

Medicineeeeeee. High fever + throat infection.
yek, i requested from the doctor for the lozenges
that's not the minty-powdery type then
he gave me the tussils 5 lozenges my throat is so much better now!
The minty powdery ones are GROSS to the max.

Mad expensive! midnight consultation fee is already $80plus!
I was in a really bad mood last night
after i came back from the doctor's,
Why cannot take mc if you're really sick?
Just bcos i took 2 mc this month,
unfortunately for me that i got ill right.
not like i'm faking or anything right.
If i'm faking, you think i'm so crazy to go see doc in the middle of the night!
So expensive it's not like i have too much $$$ to spend.
and not as if i can claim!
then what for the company give 14 days of sick leave
I'm sorry but i'm not so garang until i will force myself
to go to work while having high fever please!
Rest in bed the entire day today,
re-watched Boys Over Flower drama on my portable dvd player!
Lay in bed, eat porridge/medicine, watch kdrama!
Have just recently completed another kdrama, You're Beautiful
Was very busy on wed/thur when i was having my off day!
I was suppose to do a Cleo shoot featuring ettusais on thursday,
Milly's sponsered my manicure for the shoot!
Went to the Milly's bugis branch,
love to come here lately for my mani/pedi
cos it's so much quieter and less crowded!
(Milly's bugis branch is located at the
new extension building @ bugis st, level 2)

Like the far east branch, Milly's provides
Nails/Eyelash extension/Hair Extension services @ Bugis too!

My nanny from Ettusais, Sherry was doing her nails too!
poor girl have been so busy @ work
she didnt even have time to do her nails!

Applying nail hardener 1st cos my nails are so brittle!
Gina did my nails and i think she did such a great job!

The end product! Maybe the photo doesnt show it well
but there's actually lots of shimmer & glitter in the nail polish!
All using Ettusais nail colours rather than the colours from
Milly's since the cleo shoot is featuring Ettusais tropical nail colours!
Shall not say so much now but i'm lovin the new stuff! :D

Think it looks like lollipop! heh, just realized the colour scheme
is exactly like the lollipop on the extreme left!
Finally receive my Nuffnang chequeeeeeee. Yaaaaaay.
half of my cheque went to my new Skagen watch! $300!
Somemore earn can Tangs points with my Tangs card.
Major looooooves.

Have been thinking of getting another skagen watch for awhile!
Love their designs, it's so sleek and just very classy.
Easy to match with any outfit!

Rose gold strap, mother of pearl face, rimmed with swavoski crystal!
The other half of my nuffnang cheque will go towards my diving course fees! (:
The next morning, went to Clover, Far east plaza #03-12
to look for Raymond sponsered my hair styling for the shoot!
Btw if you wanna have a haircut/chemical treatment like hair dye/perm
just let them know you're fidelis's friend and you'll get 10% off your bill! (:

Went to Milly's at far east to help me apply a layer of top coat!

Had lunch and head over to Ettusais Office with Sherry
so i could get my makeup done for the Cleo shoot!
Makeup took 1hour plus. and it was raining and stuff..
and i almost fell asleep many times thru the makeup process :x

With Shiya my makeup artist for the day (She's like super super cute!)
and Sherry my Ettusais nanny!

I was suppose to look very sad and pouty for one of the shots.
hahaha Sherry was like telling me.. think.. your boss disallowing you
to take lave for the next 6 months! Wahh, mad torture!

The awesome photographer and the nice people from Cleo!
Boyfriend picked me up from the studio and we went to Liang Court
cos i wanna get some magazine,
i thought Vivi should be out by now but i couldn't find it!
So i got japan version Seventeen + Nu Ren Wo Zu Da magazine.

Oh yes! bought these super adorable rilakuma tissue!
Also got some tidbits from Meidi-ya supermarket,
we love to shop for tidbits there!
boyf and i had crepes the 1st time in my entire life!
Banana and caramel flavored ... i absolutely am lovin it!

Love this ume calbee snack! and grape flavoured collagen drink.

Japanese snacks packaging is always so cute!
the barcode as Mr. Giraffe's blankie! Cute max!
Sayonara, loves!